Thinking of a career change?
Work the hours that suit you and enjoy greater flexibility.
No qualifications needed other than your own driving licence with no more than five penalty points.
Help change the life of your pupils by giving independence.
Great earning potential.
40 hours of one-to-one training with a dedicated trainer split between your part 2 and part 3 with a split of 10-30.
Up to date course content that is aligned with the DVSA qualification process.
Free support with the Theory Test and Hazard Perception.
Cheaper than training with a national driving school and you will receive a personalised service.
The option to go on a pink licence sponsored by DMJ Driver Training and earn whilst you learn. **
The option to take up a franchise with DMJ Driver Training. **
BE YOUR OWN BOSS - As a driving instructor, you won’t have a boss telling you what to do. You’re in charge, and you get to make the important decisions that affect you. You’ll also be able to make a positive impact on the community around you and meet new people every day.
BALANCE YOUR WORK AND LIFE - Making time for things outside of work is important. As a driving instructor, you can control your own hours and balance your life, enabling you to make positive changes to your life and increase your job satisfaction.
EARNING POTENTIAL - At DMJ Driver Training our lesson price is £39 per hour and we offer training sessions of two hour duration. If you work a 35 hour week that means you could gross around £1,365 per week. The more you work, the more you earn.
To become an approved driving instructor, you’ll need to pass three tests as follows:
Part one of the qualification process comprises two separate tests, and you are required to pass them both.
The theory test checks your knowledge of the Highway Code, general road safety, driving techniques, basic first aid knowledge and the theory of instructing a pupil. DMJ Driver Training provides you with all the necessary training material, accessible online, and you can attempt as many mock tests as you wish on the training website to gauge your progress. The test lasts 90 minutes and you must achieve an 85 percent mark to pass.
The second test includes a hazard perception test using 14 video clips, one of which will feature two hazards. DMJ Driver Training provides a state-of-the-art interactive video system that not only allows you to practice the test, but also reviews your performance after each attempt, helping you to recognise the hazards. On this test you must score 57 points out of a possible 75.
The second stage is an advanced practical driving test. You will be expected to demonstrate a professional level of driving ability with a DVSA examiner. DMJ Driver Training provides 10 hours of one-to-one training with an accredited DMJ Driver Training trainer in an appropriate tuition vehicle. The test itself lasts around an hour and includes an eye test, along with general vehicle maintenance questions.
The final stage checks your instructional ability, preparing you to be able to pass on your driving skills to others. DMJ Driver Training will initially provide you with required hours to qualify for a trainee licence at which point you can decide to take a trainee licence sponsored by DMJ Driver Training (franchise) or continue solely with the part three training. Full details of our franchise are available upon request.
The DVSA will issue you with what is, in effect, a provisional license to ‘teach for reward’. This means that you can join DMJ Driver Training as a potential driving instructor (PDI) and begin giving actual lessons. This is an extremely effective way of honing your skills in instructional ability ahead of your part three test. It also means that you start to make a living as a driving instructor. Your trainee licence is valid for six months, and you will continue to receive 20 hours of in-car training on a one-to-one basis from a trainer prior to your part three test. On passing the test you can apply to be added to the DVSA register of approved driving instructors. The majority of trainees take this route.
A small number of trainees choose to continue their training until test-ready without the use of a trainee licence.
The part three test of instructional ability is approximately one-hour long. A DVSA examiner will watch you delivering a client centred driving lesson to one of your customers. This can be a learner or a full licence holder. The examiner will be looking for evidence that you meet the national standard for driver and rider training. You are only permitted three attempts at the part two and part three tests, so it is very important to choose the right school when deciding to train as an instructor.
This is one of the most common questions asked, but can often be the most difficult to answer. Because we all learn at different paces, some instructors pass after just six months while others will take a little longer. Factors such as your lifestyle, resources, time and commitment all play a part in how quickly you will pass.
* £1,600 includes the 10 hours of part 2 training and 30 hours of part 3 training and course material.
** Full details available upon request.